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(Education) (of a school, education system, etc) admitting all pupils regardless of ability; inclusive
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"The results this year build upon the school's continued improvement highlighted by our most recent OFSTED (February 2019) report and reaffirms the school's commitment to ensuring Blessed William Howard is amongst the top nonselective schools in the country allowing all students to secure outstanding and sustained progress."
By any standard, these statistics are impressive but they are truly outstanding in the context of the fact that Adcote is proud to be a nonselective school.
Treat them with a nonselective herbicide when they are small to avoid having to pull them out by hand.
This article also draws attention to "concerns about using nonselective beta-blocker drugs in patients with cirrhosis." Current data indicate that nonselective beta-blockers reduce all-cause mortality and the risk of first variceal hemorrhage in patients with advanced liver disease (Hepatology.
This spray is nonselective so be careful not to get any on your perennials or annual plants.
Inbrija is not to be used by patients who take or have taken a nonselective monoamine oxidase inhibitor such as phenelzine or tranylcypromine within the last two weeks.
"Nonselective" OTC NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Advil[R], Motrin[R]) and naproxen (Aleve[R]).
Among couples being treated for infertility, depression in the male partner was linked to lower pregnancy chances, while depression in the female partner was not found to influence the rate of live birth, relates a study appearing in Fertility and Sterility, which also linked a class of antidepressants known as nonselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (non-SSRIs) to a higher risk of early pregnancy loss among females being treated for infertility.
Over 15.3 billion denars or 250 million euros have been injected in the Macedonian business sector by end-August through the regular and nonselective VAT refund payments to firms, said Finance Minister Dragan Tevdovski after the end of Friday's meeting of the Financial Stability Committee which was also attended by National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska-Bezoska.
Sublethal injury was determined as a difference in the number of cells on nonselective and selective media.
In experiments with a different mouse model of pancreatic cancer, the CUMC team demonstrated that treating mice with chemotherapy and nonselective beta-blockers, which are used to treat a variety of conditions, lived significantly longer than mice treated with chemotherapy alone.