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(Biology) biology not having a septum
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Effusions were classified as anechoic, complex septate, complex nonseptate, and echogenic [2, 7].
Six days after VATS, histopathologic analysis revealed presence of nonseptate fungal hyphae with right-angle branching suggestive of mucormycosis.
Nonseptate branched hyphal enlarged at the apex to form conidiophores; they produce brownish black conidia in chains Fungal pathogens Frequency (%) Alternaria spp.
Hyphae are thread like structures that may be septate or nonseptate, they grow by extending and branching.
[sup][3] Definitive diagnosis requires demonstration of tissue invasion by the characteristic nonseptate hyphae.
Nonseptate hyphae of irregular width were visible and marked by short lateral extensions distributed at right angles along the filaments.
Septate and fruity mycelium are observed Mucor Filamentous Presence of visible spore and short species mold sporangiospores with nonseptate hyphae Ovoid sphere Single clusters of blastoconidia Candida yeast-like which is round and elongated.
periosteal lesion resembling pyoderma CT scan abdomen and gangrenosum pelvis: recurrent pneumoperitoneum Presentation Gastric perforation Cutaneous form of mucormycosis Diagnosis of Antemortem: Antemortem: mucormycosis abdominal wall: cutaneous biopsy of histopathology: many new periosteal broad based ulcer: hyphae nonseptate hyphae suggestive of admixed with Rhizopus spp.
Numerous branching nonseptate fungal hyphae were seen throughout the renal tissue (Figure 2).