

not simultaneous
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Yet they demonstrate that the diversity of everyday practices in the USSR was even greater than Schlogel portrays, supporting his main argument about the absence of absolute uniformity and homogeneity in Soviet "life worlds" (Edmund Husserl) and the incredible "simultaneity of the nonsimultaneous" (Ernst Bloch) that emerges when looking closely at a historical period.
Gentry et al., The Roles of Dominos and Nonsimultaneous Chains in Kidney Paired Donation, 9 AM.
Rees et al., A Nonsimultaneous, Extended, Altruistic-Donor Chain, 360 NEW ENGLAND J.
"The growth in total reconstructions over this time period was entirely due to nonsimultaneous reconstructions," the AHRQ investigators wrote.
The simultaneity of nonsimultaneous images directs the gaze toward specific historical events, but then draws it away, to the mode of display itself--creating a palpable tension between the pathos of the depicted events and the purity of the white cube.
1979), which first allowed nonsimultaneous exchanges.
Interestingly, Haboush characterises the Choson epistolary space as "multidirectional, multilayered, crisscrossed, and temporally nonsimultaneous and nonhomogeneous" (p.
Utilizing the tonotopic organization of the auditory system, acoustic CR therapy uses sequences of acoustic tonal stimuli, namely, four different frequencies centered around the characteristic frequency of the patient's tinnitus percept, delivered in nonsimultaneous sequences several hours per day for several weeks [14].
Nonsimultaneous transfers add an extra level of complexity, as do multiperson exchanges in which A supplies a good to B, who supplies C, who supplies D, and so on until the last person supplies A.