

formal the quality or condition of being nonsegregated
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Summarizing, besides the natural fixed point of nonsegregation satisfying the equations in (13), which may be real (stable or unstable) or virtual, we list below those which can be considered the principal fixed points of the constrained model, although other fixed points may exist, depending on the values of the parameters (for example in the piecewise smooth maps of the restrictions on the lines [x.sub.1] = [K.sub.i]).
([K.sub.1], [x.sup.*.sub.2,a]), fixed point of nonsegregation (real or virtual), unstable,
(214) Moreover, whereas the concept of nonsegregation does have some explicit substance, education as a fundamental right does not.
Of the putative light blue seeds failing to produce an established plant, the proportion of these putative seeds that would have shown segregation or nonsegregation for the blue-aleuroned trait is unknown.
Formal agreement among 100 or more companies to common social and ethical goals concerning nonsegregation of the races in all workplace areas, equal pay for equal or comparable work, and training programs and advancement opportunities open to all nonwhite employees was unprecedented twenty years ago, and remains rare even today.
(83.) Again, I want to separate out (to at least some extent) the question of "reasonable cost." Clearly, the park would not have to expend millions to insure nonsegregation. Clearly, too, if the accommodations were nearly costless, we would demand that they be made even if we were unsure we had gained much in terms of levels of desegregation.
- Mdh-1a/b, Mdh-3a/b, 6Pgdh-3a/b, and Tpi-1a/b were monomorphic within and among all populations for the same multiple-banded genotypes, which are interpreted as fixed heterozygotes because of the apparent nonsegregation of duplicated genes.
As per the proposal, nonsegregation of waste by bulk generators, i.
However, the nonsegregation of fertility in [F.sub.2] suggested a gametophytic restoration system.
Littering caused by distributing food material ( langar ), illegal burning of solid waste, improper storage of construction material and nonsegregation of recyclable and nonrecyclable waste will now attract fines.
To promote the women's positive self-image through personal grooming, hygiene accommodations included electrical outlets in nonsegregation cells for hair dryers and curling irons.