
Also found in: Medical.


(Chemistry) chem not capable of being saponified
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However, since vegetable oils have differences in both the type of fatty acids and their degree of unsaturations, as well as in their nonsaponifiable constituents, this can impose conditions on their final use for the development of new products [9].
Its major fatty acids are oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid, although it contains many other nonsaponifiable components.
After a 3-week treatment, serum total-cholesterol and triglyceride levels were measured by commercial kits and lipid biosynthesis determined by the [[sup.14]C] acetate incorporated into fatty acids plus nonsaponifiable and total hepatic lipids of the mice.
The nonsaponifiable sterol fraction was extracted with petroleum diethyl ether and dried under [N.sub.2] gas.
In such medium, the performance of coatings is mainly dependent on the type of binder, which should be nonsaponifiable of withstand such condition.