

not relating to school
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
While using substances of various kinds to ease particular types of suffering--of the terminally ill, as a nonexclusive example--is something most people can support, the segue to assuming this substance is harmless and actually beneficial is a failure of logic best suited to a five-year-old trying to argue his or her way out of a regular bedtime on a nonschool night.
The club provides a safe place, caring adult mentors, fun and friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical nonschool hours.
? Holiday food initiative Club 365 launched at four hubs in Coatbridge, making North Lanarkshire's the first authority to provide meals to youngsters every nonschool day of the year including weekends and holidays.
However, they can meet with other teachers for prayer or Bible study during lunch or during nonschool hours.
The 80-percent rate of reading nonschool books (books which were not required reading) stopped a decline recorded by previous Readership Surveys.
* Work/volunteer for a political candidate during nonschool hours.
Some head teachers struggle to tackle extremely challenging behaviour, which may be better managed in a nonschool setting.
As a comparison, even though over half (57.3%) of school chemical incidents resulted in an evacuation being ordered, nonschool incidents had a lower percentage of evacuations (13%).
Schools are enormously important, but so too are the nonschool services that communities must provide.
Out of this, 28% is protected for schools and education, 8% is for nonschool education, 27% is for community services, 14% is for environment and the rest covers costs including corporate services, the council tax replacement scheme, capital and levies.
[9] randomization and 11 to 14 years intervention and control Both sexes group Nonschool physical activity Bush et n = 221 Experimental--two groups: al.