regimental sergeant major

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regimental sergeant major

(Military) military the senior Warrant Officer I in a British or Commonwealth regiment or battalion, responsible under the adjutant for all aspects of duty and discipline of the warrant officers, NCOs, and men. Abbreviation: RSM Compare company sergeant major See also warrant officer
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He was evacuated to England and sent to serve on Garrison Duty in Malta, where he became Regimental Sergeant Major. Not bad for a chap who was less than five foot five.
Bill played Regimental Sergeant Major Hills, a soldier staying on in France after WW1.
However, he will forever be remembered for the portrayal of the irascible Welsh regimental sergeant major and his wondrous rendering of Whispering Grass with 'Lofty,' Don Estelle, who was a talent in his own right.
The grandfather was surprised with the replacements on his doorstep in New Tredegar, Caerphilly, on Monday by Regimental Sergeant Major Richie Davies, Goat Major Sergeant Mark Jackson and their regimental goat Fusilier Shenkin IV.
Below, Glyn receives his surprise new medals from regimental Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer First Class Richie Davies
Regimental Sergeant Major Richie Davies presented the replacement awards, which had been lost in the 50s after a decade's service from 1936.
In 2007, he was promoted to Warrant Officer Class One and became the RHF's Regimental Sergeant Major.
Regimental Sergeant Major 15th Battalion, DLI Regimental Sergeant Major 15th Battalion, DLI 19353 19353 Hilary Miller of Washington,his great niece, tells their story: "After serving in the Boer war tells their story: "After serving in the Boer war with the DLI, Sydney Hunter volunteered to with the DLI, Sydney Hunter volunteered to re-join in October 1914 and served in the 15th re-join in October 1914 and served in the 15th Battalion DLI.
Launching this year's appeal, soldiers from 2 Signal Regiment - including regimental sergeant major John Stephenson, from Hebburn - carried a huge plastic poppy to the base of the Angel.
The soldier, who is the Regimental Sergeant Major of the 4th Battalion The Rifles, received the gallantry award from the Prince of Wales during a Buckingham Palace investiture ceremony.
However, these reports were slammed later when Regimental Sergeant Major Ray Collister asked Prince William if the couple was planning another baby.
" Regimental Sergeant Major Dale Jackson, also a Warwickshire lad, added: "Warwickshire is in the DNA of the Second Fusiliers.ere are many lads from the county in the battalion and we are all very proud of our county's ties with our regiment.

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