company sergeant major

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company sergeant major

(Military) military the senior Warrant Officer II in a British or Commonwealth regiment or battalion, responsible under the company second in command for all aspects of duty and discipline of the NCOs and men in that subunit. Abbreviation: CSM Compare regimental sergeant major See also warrant officer
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The official note announcing the award was as follows: Near Ypres, on November 8, after his officers had been killed or wounded, commanded the right half of his company with great skill and gallantry, and assisted Company Sergeant Major A E Taylor in retaking trenches from the enemy.
Company Sergeant Major (CSM) Dominic Hagans, of Castle Vale, was only saved when he was catapulted free from the explosion because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.
Chelsea pensioners Late Company Sergeant Major John McNaughton as well as Late Staff Sergeants John Hawtree and William Gorrie visited the Infant School, sat in for a Senior School Humanities lesson and were guests of honour at the Junior School's Remembrance Day Assembly.
As a cadet Company Sergeant Major, Bishop Heber school pupil Robert is the highest ranking cadet on the camp and will be keeping a watchful eye over 300 other youngsters this year.
Company Sergeant Major David McGrath was met by wife Angela and three-year-old son Brodie after completing his third tour in the country.
Warrant Officer Class 2 Colin Beckett, Company Sergeant Major of 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment, was killed on Saturday as he was attempting to secure an area in Shaheed, a village on the Nahr-e-Bughra canal, when he was caught in a roadside bomb.
The company sergeant major of Alpha Company described the feu de joie, saying it "is normally done in repetition.
Warrant officer Charlie Carter, company sergeant major of C (Bruneval) company, said: "Jeff was serving with 8 Platoon so it is his friends and colleagues from the platoon and C Company who are taking part.
Burns-Hamilton, a company sergeant major, admitted stealing pounds 114.06.
My company sergeant major was shot through the head and three other NCOs were killed, numbers of men fell apparently hit by machine-gun bullets and the remainder of us coming around Augustus Wood and entering it from the west.
Following the parade, a memorial stone to commemorate the award of the Victoria Cross to Company Sergeant Major John H Williams, VC DCM MM and Bar, was unveiled outside Nantyglo Senior Citizen Hall on Chapel Road, Nantyglo.