Regimental school

in the British army, a school for the instruction of the private soldiers of a regiment, and their children, in the rudimentary branches of education.

See also: Regimental

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Beginning with 20 Regimental schools at the time of its establishment in 1963, the KVS now administers about 1,100 Kendriya Vidyalayas across the country.
and swilling frightening quantities of ale, porter or canteen beer." Just before the War of 1812, efforts began in the British army to set up regimental schools for these children, who, in addition to their lessons, were instructed "in the means of making themselves useful and gaining their Livelihood." Girls were taught needlework and knitting and boys, tailoring and shoemaking.
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