regime change

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regime change

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the transition from one political regime to another, esp through concerted political or military action
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Summary: The United States has stated that it seeks peace with Iran, and has made clear it is not seeking regime change in Tehran.
Some key members of the Trump administration, such as National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, are long-standing advocates of regime change in Iran.
To think that regime change in Iran, as Bolton and Pompeo continue to advocate, will usher in a democracy is an illusion that will never materialize.
In pursuance of its expansionist and hegemonic agenda, the United States has been in the business of regime change in foreign countries for a long time.
But behind this facade is the inescapable possibility that the US is actually seeking to bring about regime change in Iran - an objective that has been openly advocated by Trump and his team, including Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido says his supporters are seeking to open a direct line of communication with the US military, and would use them for "coordination" of possible military action to impose regime change.
Therefore, Riek Machar has to tell us why the following cadres of the SPLM/A-IO are the organizers of a protest Movement calling for a regime change:
REGIME change policy has been characteristic of almost all US presidencies; however after the 2nd World War seven cases of the CIA's globe-spanning campaign of coups have been conspicuous.
"The United States is not looking to do a regime change in Iran", Haley told CNN on Sunday.
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said that attempts to bring regime change to Iran would all fail, noting that this dream would never come true.
It would require Trump to drop threats of regime change against Pyongyang, of the kind Bolton clearly wants.
London, May 15 (Petra)-- British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said regime change in Iran was not a policy Britain should pursue and that any change would not necessarily be for the better.

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