Regiment of the line

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(Mil.) a regiment organized for general service; - in distinction from those (as the Life Guards) whose duties are usually special.

See also: Regiment

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Soon after Anna Pavlovna's reception Anna Mikhaylovna returned to Moscow and went straight to her rich relations, the Rostovs, with whom she stayed when in the town and where and where her darling Bory, who had only just entered a regiment of the line and was being at once transferred to the Guards as a cornet, had been educated from childhood and lived for years at a time.
He openly avowed his sympathy for Napoleon, now that the death of that great man put an end to the laws enacted against "the partisans of the usurper." Fleury, ex-captain of a regiment of the line under the Emperor, a tall, dark, handsome fellow, was now, in addition to his civil-service post, box-keeper at the Cirque-Olympique.
However, in June 1685 the brigade was transferred to the British Service, establishing its order of precedence as the 5th Regiment of the Line.
This is a history of how one regiment of the line, the 23rd or Royal Welsh fusiliers fought during the rebellion in the American colonies from Lexington in 1775 to Yorktown in 1781.
Amateur historian Bob Burnett, from Edinburgh, said: "The standard purporting to be that of the French 105th regiment of the line says just that, 105th.
In that time, one learns that the Duke's is not just another infantry regiment of the line, but rather it is a first-class regiment.
THE Royal Scots is the oldest infantry regiment of the Line in the British Army.
It was however, the 24thFoot,an English Regiment of the line which fought this battle.
"I am exceptionally proud of the British and Commonwealth Korean veterans, but I am especially proud of the men from my regiment who fought like hell cats in more major battles than any other British regiment of the line.''

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