desk job

(redirected from desk jobs)

desk job

A job, especially one in the armed forces or a police department, in which one's work is done mainly while sitting at a desk.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Sitting for prolonged time, especially those with desk jobs or jobs that involve sitting in stressful position for long should avoid doing so for prolonged period.
HealthDay News | NYT SYNDICATE PEOPLE with desk jobs want to move more, a new study suggests.
LOW pay and poor social circumstances play a bigger role in premature death than sedentary desk jobs, a study found.
ISLAMABAD -- People with desk jobs are at a greater health risk than they realize, according to a latest research.
With the prevalence of fast food and desk jobs, being fit has become a lifestyle choice rather than being something that's that's taken for granted.
Administrative work gives you a break from time on your feet, but dancers are susceptible to the wrist, neck and low back issues that come along with desk jobs, according to Liederbach.
Environmental pressures such as desk jobs make healthy choices difficult.
Environmental pressures, such as desk jobs, make healthy choices difficult.
Hiring visually impaired workers allegedly for desk jobs, babus turn them into sweepers
"Prior to starting vineyard vines, we commuted everyday through Grand Central Terminal to our desk jobs - and now, to be able to bring a slice of 'the good life' back to the people that traverse these iconic hallways daily is somewhat of a dream come true."
He said his involvement in sports may be an opportunity to show fellow policemen that they, too, can stay physically fit even as they age or are assigned to desk jobs. He cited the PNP's own "Pulisteniks" or exercise program as a step in the right direction.
Most people in my generation want to be doctors, lawyers, writers or hold desk jobs. I don't think there's anything wrong with such career paths, but they're not for me.