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Related to paper-pusher: pencil pusher


n. Informal.
1. a person who has a routine desk job.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.paper-pusher - a clerk or bureaucrat who does paperwork
administrative official, bureaucrat - an official of a bureaucracy
clerk - an employee who performs clerical work (e.g., keeps records or accounts)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
I never sit back and think, "Goodness, the world has lost a great paper-pusher, verb conjugator, diagnosis maker, or kitchen contractor." Instead, my thoughts turn to the rich, non-job-centric opportunities that each one will now have time to pursue.
Ortiz delivers a slightly magical paper-pusher, Keener is a woman broken by sadness, and Hamm is as stoic outside as he is broken inside.
The classic way of procurement is to be informed, and be just a paper-pusher. But we have shifted ourselves to be involved from the beginning."
Synopsis: In 1963, Irving Rothstein was a 29-year-old office bureaucrat in Sacramento, a paper-pusher bored out of his gourd.
I ask myself, what was the reason I became a nurse and it wasn't to be a secretary and paper-pusher, but that is what I am becoming.
Here's a paper-pusher in the aviation industry (with a fear of flying) who finds himself laid off in the fall of 2002.
In his early army career, Halleck became the proverbial paper-pusher, a bureaucrat wedded to his reports and a stickler for rules and regulations.
Whether it's your fourth-grade field trip, your professional association's Day at the Capitol (think Licensed Paper-Pusher Lobby Day), or an idealistic compulsion to speak out for what you believe in, thousands of us sojourn to the statehouse, especially at times such as these, when the Legislature is in session.
Anamika and her clueless but pleasant Brahmin parents lead a comfortable but far from ostentatious life; Anamika has to explain several times that they don't have a car and that her father, a paper-pusher in a government ministry, gets around by scooter.
Employee A, employed by the Company as a paper-pusher, and Employee B, employed by the Company as a paper-pusher supervisor, hereby notify the Company that we wish to enter into a voluntary and consensual social relationship.