

the desks and related furnishings in a given space, such as an office
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Hot desking 'wastes two weeks per year' Workers who hotdesk in offices are wasting up to two weeks a year simply looking for somewhere to sit, a new study suggests.
Gubagoo, a provider of conversational commerce solutions for Automotive Dealerships and OEMs, has launched its new VDP pricing, rebates, virtual desking and re-targeting functionality integrated into its advanced customer communication platform, Gubagoo ChatSmart, at the Digital Dealer Conference & Expo.
HOT DESKING in offices is "flawed" and is affecting the mental wellbeing of workers, research suggests.
WIRRAL'S premier new music venue, hot desking space, meeting place and coffee shop, with a modern approach to support services for young adults.
The new club will include hot desking space and private offices, as well as a free-to-use events auditorium, meeting rooms, and extensive cyclist and changing facilities.
The collective plans to redevelop it as studios, offices, hot desking facilities, workshops, a performance space, a community kitchen and a creative studio for Wallace Hall students who have an award-winning design and robotics team.
Hot desking If you're struggling to keep your cool in the heat, here are some work wardrobe essentials to save you 1 DRESS TO IMPRESS When temperatures rise, linen is your saviour.
ProMax offers front-end sales, development and inventory management software in the auto retail industry including lead generation, website design, desking, inventory, credit reporting, client relationship management, and other compliance solutions.
BioCote conducted a six-month study in a small, open plan office - optimum conditions for the spread of illness-causing microbes because of hot desking, shared facilities, common contact surfaces and circulated air.
"This is an opportunity for occupiers to create high-quality, modern, flexible offices which take account of the most up-to-date working practices, including hot desking and break-out areas.