small claims court

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small claims court

(Law) Brit and Canadian a local court with jurisdiction to try civil actions involving small claims
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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But boss Tony Jennings has said he doesn't have the money so the workers may have to take him to a small claims court.
Peter said: "I went to small claims court in March [this year] and he was ordered to pay me [pounds sterling]8,509.92 and costs of [pounds sterling]910.
Your last option is the small claims court. But if Royal Mail and POSTRS have rejected your claim, you do not stand a great chance.
This edition has been updated to include recent state-by-state lawsuit filing deadlines and small claims court limits.
Greta Crawford, pro se, appeals an order of the small claims court granting summary judgment in favor of Aurora Sinai Medical Center and Dr.
AS a volunteer for Solihull's Citizens Advice Bureau I learned of the tremendous value of the small claims court system for Solihull clients.
As for the father going to the small claims court, I was thinking "do me a favour".
Our family driver recently settled a case in a small claims court. He had been hit by a car driver who refused to pay for his hospitalization and even filed estafa charges against him.
The rules and processes at Small Claims Court were designed to be simple and flexible, so that everyday people could have their disputes resolved without hiring lawyers or paralegals.
Plaintiff medical doctor brought a PIP suit in small claims court. At trial, defendant insurer produced a PM&R doctor who testified that the testing done by plaintiff was not medically necessary, and the court dismissed the suit.
It has been an extreme pleasure to chair this committee as we adapt the Small Claims Court Rules to the changing technology in the legal system and procedures of the small claims court in Florida.
Apple stopped describing its smartwatch with the term after losing a small claims court case in the U.K.