small farmer

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Noun1.small farmer - a farmer on a small farmsmall farmer - a farmer on a small farm    
crofter - an owner or tenant of a small farm in Great Britain
farmer, granger, husbandman, sodbuster - a person who operates a farm
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References in classic literature ?
Seeing that my lady took an interest in the out-of-door work, and the farms, and such like, I took an interest in them too-- with all the more reason that I was a small farmer's seventh son myself.
Robert was the son of a small farmer. The Burns had been farmer folk for generations, but William Burns had fallen on evil days.
The mayor himself could not write, and the deputy-mayor was a small farmer, who lived beyond the limits of the Commune.
White Mason was a quiet, comfortable-looking person in a loose tweed suit, with a clean-shaved, ruddy face, a stoutish body, and powerful bandy legs adorned with gaiters, looking like a small farmer, a retired gamekeeper, or anything upon earth except a very favourable specimen of the provincial criminal officer.
She's the daughter of one Isaac Foster, who from a small farmer has sunk into a shepherd; the beginning of his misfortunes dating from his runaway marriage with the cook of his widowed father--a well-to-do, apoplectic grazier, who passionately struck his name off his will, and had been heard to utter threats against his life.
There was not a soul for any of them to talk to except small farmers or fishermen; there were long winter evenings when the wind blew, whistling drearily through the leafless trees, and all around they saw nothing but the bare monotony of ploughed fields; and there was poverty, and there was lack of any work that seemed to matter; every kink in their characters had free play; there was nothing to restrain them; they grew narrow and eccentric: Philip knew all this, but in his young intolerance he did not offer it as an excuse.
We were dressed and barbered alike, and could pass for small farmers, or farm bailiffs, or shepherds, or carters; yes, or for village artisans, if we chose, our costume being in effect universal among the poor, because of its strength and cheapness.
Many of the circumstances whose strong influence has been at work for years in our manufacturing towns have not arisen here; and there is no manufacturing population in Lowell, so to speak: for these girls (often the daughters of small farmers) come from other States, remain a few years in the mills, and then go home for good.
They were all steady, chapel-going folk, small farmers, well known and respected over the country-side, while I was always a bit of a rover.
In process of time, thanks to his intimate knowledge of drill and musketry exercise, the excellent Mulcahy, wearing the corporal's stripe, went out in a troopship and joined Her Majesty's Royal Loyal Musketeers, commonly known as the "Mavericks," because they were masterless and unbranded cattle - sons of small farmers in County Clare, shoeless vagabonds of Kerry, herders of Ballyvegan, much wanted "moonlighters" from the bare rainy headlands of the south coast, officered by O'Mores, Bradys, Hills, Kilreas, and the like.
It tells the story of the small farmer through the eyes of a farmer, and is supplemented with stories of other farmers.
Muhammad Pehlwan was a small farmer, cultivating a leased landholding.

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