small goods

small goods

pl n
(Cookery) Austral and NZ meats bought from a delicatessen, such as sausages
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
'It's tolerably clear to me,' said Bounderby, 'that the little puss can get small good out of such companionship.'
"I fear, lady, that what you have said bodes but small good for her."
"It's not much to be particular about," said the sergeant; "it'll do you small good, my man, being in the same plight yourself.
Furthermore, the haulage charges of containers have been increased by 5 percent and the freight rates of other small goods have been increased by 8.75 percent.
At times, the camera cuts to one of the nearby commercial emporiums, fully stocked with toys and small goods in a dizzying range of lurid colors.
Having traveled more than 12,000 kilometers, it passed through seven countries before reaching the Chinese manufacturing and trade hub where small goods such as homeware, garments and souvenirs are made.
"Their proximity to urban areas has always made them vulnerable to opportunist 'townie' thieves using small goods vehicles to steal quad bikes and smaller items of plant machinery such as mini tractors and trailers."
Mr Cairns insisted the Government was going further, saying: "A small goods vehicle, for example, will move from the current rate of PS13.20 to less than PS4 when the tolls are halved, because we are also removing the secondclass toll."
The fee for small goods vehicles and small buses will rise from PS13.10 to PS13.20, and heavy goods vehicles and buses will rise by 20p from PS19.60 to PS19.80.
TOLL prices for the Severn Bridge are set to rise again in the New Year, going up by 10p for cars and small goods vehicles.