small room

small room

  • aedicule - A small room or structure used as a shrine—or a niche for a statue.
  • cove - Comes from Old English cofa, "small room," from the Germanic root kubon, and came to mean "small hollow place in coastal rocks," and then "small bay."
  • cabinet - Originally meant a small room and came to apply to the group of politicians who met in the room.
  • conclave - Based on Latin con- and clavis, "key," as it was first an inner chamber or private room to which one would have needed a key, literally a "place that can be locked up," or a room or set of rooms that can be opened with only one key.
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References in classic literature ?
I did this, as I must have felt then, at some personal risk of a supernatural kind, for my studies were apt to be prolonged into the night after the rest of the family had gone to bed, and a certain ghost, which I had every reason to fear, might very well have visited the small room given me to write in.
He paid two dollars and a half a month rent for the small room he got from his Portuguese landlady, Maria Silva, a virago and a widow, hard working and harsher tempered, rearing her large brood of children somehow, and drowning her sorrow and fatigue at irregular intervals in a gallon of the thin, sour wine that she bought from the corner grocery and saloon for fifteen cents.
It was a small room, not disorderly, because of lack of furnishings to disorder it.
I was lying among a pile of sleeping silks and furs in the corner of a small room in which were several green warriors, and bending over me was an ancient and ugly female.
He walked to and fro in the small room, which seemed then to grow even smaller and unfit to hold his dignity, the attribute of a supreme warrior.
Miss Waterford was giving a tea-party, and her small room was more than usually full.
It was a small room on the ground floor, with a tiny window under the stairway.
The task was an arduous one and required the better part of a month, though he built but one small room. He constructed his cabin of small logs about six inches in diameter, stopping the chinks with clay which he found at the depth of a few feet beneath the surface soil.
He shut the window and disappeared, but a moment afterward a big door in the wall opened and admitted Dorothy to a small room, which seemed to be a part of the wall and built into it.
I myself live in the kitchen--or, rather, in a small room which forms part of the kitchen.
She cautiously took one step and then another, and found herself in the middle of a small room containing baggage.
They left the dining-room and, eschewing the inviting luxuries of the billiard room and library, passed into a small room behind, plainly furnished as a business man's study.

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