small fruits

small fruits

- Currants, raspberries, strawberries, etc.
See also related terms for strawberries.
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References in classic literature ?
In the fields are planted berries and small fruits. In the late afternoon in the hot summers when the road and the fields are covered with dust, a smoky haze lies over the great flat basin of land.
- Adam Hood, Dunbar These small fruits have grown too late in the season.
It is unsightly, messy and just produces small fruits. How would I go about pruning my tree this winter and are there any major differences between pruning ornamental vs.
Howell's position was 50% percent research and 50% extension work on small fruits (strawberries, blueberries and grapes).
It is handy for peeling, slicing small fruits and vegetables as well as trimming.
The small fruits of the first crop of pomegranate were sold at RO3.5 for 20 fruits.
The plants, which are originated from seeds, were screened by the grower as large or small fruits. Approximately 100 fruits of each type were manually harvested as soon as they reached complete ripening (November 2014) based on the outer peel color.
The deal sees BBC Technologies' precision grading systems and innovative punnet and clamshell filling solutions for blueberries and other small fruits join TOMRA Food's own fruit inspection and grading technology portfolio.
Chapters guide the reader to transforming their garden into a haven of native trees, shrubs, and herbacious plants; providing food and shelter for local plants, insects, birds, and wildlife; controlling plant-eating insects naturally through insect-eating insects and songbirds; and protecting vegetables or small fruits through environmentally-friendly means such as interplantings, floating row covers, cutworm collars, and occasional hand-picking.
Natives boast of their crop at the "diwaniahs," offering guests harvest of the their palm trees, with plates on the tables filled with "al-saamaran," "Khlas," and "Berhi," the highly sugar enriched small fruits, a special mark of the life in Kuwait and other regional countries.
ACES also notes that frost blankets can provide frost protection for fruit trees and small fruits. When you place frost blankets around tree trunks, be sure to anchor them on the ground to trap the soil's radiant heat.