small claims court

(redirected from Small claims track)
Also found in: Legal, Financial.

small claims court

(Law) Brit and Canadian a local court with jurisdiction to try civil actions involving small claims
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Proposed government reforms include an increase of the small claims track limit and the removal of general damages for minor soft-tissue injuries; however, it is uncertain when legislation will be introduced.
Specifically, this should include legislation to make it unlawful to take longer than 30 days to pay suppliers, rules for public sector procurement that disbar companies with poor payment records, and a big increase in the PS10,000 small claims track limit for companies taking debtors to court.
The use of the small claims track could also prove counterproductive, they argued, in efforts to discourage fraudulent and exaggerated claims as expert evidence is not generally submitted.
The launch takes place in advance of World IP Day on April 26 and follows the introduction of the IP small claims track to the Patents County Court back in October 2012.
* How much money you are owed ( unfortunately sometimes it may be best to write off very small sums, but the Small Claims Track offers a cheap route without the need for solicitors.