typing pool

(redirected from Secretarial pool)
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Noun1.typing pool - a group of typists who can work for different personstyping pool - a group of typists who can work for different persons
pool - an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"
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typing pool

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Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Her own personal history of rising from secretarial pool to CEO of HP was achieved with a potent mix of identifying barriers, incredible personal drive to break through, and the courage to take on the status quo that blocked the path.
Ask the female CEO who once might have been assigned to the secretarial pool if nothing's changed.
Did Joan Clarke (Keira Knightley) answer Turing's call for crossword-puzzle buffs in 1941 only to be patronised by Ministry officials -- "Did you really solve this puzzle yourself?" -- and told to report to the secretarial pool, just because she was a woman?
Time and again, she was told, "we don't know what to do with you." Translated, that meant they wanted to put her in the secretarial pool, because they didn't have any precedent for placing her in a professional position.
For example, a group of managers wanted to fire the secretarial pool because their work was delayed and often not done by the person to whom it was assigned.
I wore an uber-nerdy blue-gray knit dress with a boat neck, looking like a tween refugee from the secretarial pool in Working Girl.
For those of us outside the university, not on a salary, who see 60 patients per day, and who do not have a department secretarial pool to help us, this was taxing in both time and money.
A vibrant African-American presence in the all-singing, all-dancing, nearly all-white secretarial pool of World Wide Wickets, Birl brings her high kicks, flexible back, and buoyant good humor to the story of the ambitious young windowwasher who flatters his way to the top of the corporate ladder.
She wants us to know that she's much more than her hourglass figure and bottle-red hair, but one thing can't be denied: Whether she's warm or cool to her secretarial pool, Joan is always smoking hot.
Walking into an office populated by lots of women in suits, Justin (who describes himself as an "ethical man") sniffs: "I think this must be the secretarial pool." Sophie has to pick her jaw up off the floor before continuing.
Upon their return, the handwritten reports were submitted to a secretarial pool but they were never typed out.

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