Secretary of the Interior

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Related to Secretary of the Interior: Secretary of Agriculture
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Noun1.Secretary of the Interior - the position of the head of the Department of the Interior; "the position of Interior Secretary was created in 1849"
secretaryship - the position of secretary
United States Cabinet, US Cabinet - a board to advise the President; members are the secretaries of executive departments; the United States constitution does not provide for the cabinet
2.Secretary of the Interior - the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior DepartmentSecretary of the Interior - the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior Department; "President Taylor appointed Thomas Ewing as the first Secretary of the Interior"
secretary - a person who is head of an administrative department of government
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References in classic literature ?
One of the Indian boys was taken ill, and it became my duty to take him to Washington, deliver him over to the Secretary of the Interior, and get a receipt for him, in order that he might be returned to his Western reservation.
Within a short time, AFA was actively helping Greeley--who had by then become chief--fight to save Alaska (see "Retooling the Tongass" on page 50) and block an attempt by Secretary of the Interior Albert B.
As Secretary of the Interior, Salazar proved himself a capable bureaucrat, but also drew criticism from environmentalists, who were wary about his appointment to do his ties to the coal and mining industries.
Honasan noted that the secretary of the interior had immense political influence as he or she had jurisdiction over the Philippine National Police (PNP) and administrative supervision over local government units.
Because of the unsettled patterns of land ownership there, brought about by the Alaska Native Interest Lands Conservation Act, the Secretary of the Interior in 1981 directed BLM to suspend Wilderness studies there.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has accepted the resignation of Interior Minister Veselin Vuchkov, a Deputy PM says.Vuchkov stepped down at a cabinet meeting earlier on Wednesday, shortly before he was to table his proposals for a new Secretary of the Interior Ministry.
"The competitive lease sale offshore Virginia will mark an important transition from planning to action when it comes to capturing the enormous clean energy potential offered by Atlantic wind," said Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell.
"As Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, he has been handling too many important matters...," she added.
When the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee called Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt to testify in its campaign finance hearings this October, it looked as though Republicans might have at long last found a smoking gun in the Democratic fund-raising controversy.
of New Mexico as Secretary of the Interior; Clayton K.
Georgi Kostov, outgoing director of the Burgas police directorate, has been appointed Deputy Chief Secretary of the Interior Ministry.

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