secret Santa

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secret Santa

a. a system whereby each member of a group chooses at random another member of the group for whom to buy a Christmas present at an agreed cost, so that each member buys one present and receives one present
b. a person chosen in this way to buy another person's Christmas present
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It was at this point that my darling daughter suggested we adopt the Secret Santa idea, which is used in many homes and workplaces today.
Marion said: "Whether it's a big gift, a stocking filler or a Secret Santa for your office, Motherwell and Wishaw has a number of great places to look.
Meantime's Secret Santa Hopline is in response to research that a whopping [pounds sterling]94 million will be wasted on unwanted presents this year, and well everyone loves beer.
The survey, for store chain Wilko, also identified the top 40 most popular Secret Santa presents.
| Chocolatier Bernie Andrews with the latest creation and below, the Cadbury's Secret Santa Postal Service
Leon Esfahani, Magic Bean managing director, said: "We are so proud to be supporting Barnardo's Cymru for the third year running through our Secret Santa Appeal.
The Cadbury postal service coincides with Cadbury's magical new Christmas campaign which urges families across the UK to "follow their generous instinct" and become a Secret Santa this Christmas.
Alongside the person who had their dog a a secret Santa present was someone who was fed up with their pet because it wouldn't wear clothes.
Secret Santa can now be enjoyed online with family, friends and colleagues all across the country in the most hassle-free way.
Secret Santa Secret Santa has become a Christmas tradition that people irrespective of their faith, country, background have been actively following.
Last-minute shopping, anxiety over family gatherings, what you'll get in the work secret Santa, and dreaming of some winter sun in a far flung country.
Billy spots Tina buying a pregnancy test, Kim pressures Vincent to try for another baby, and Donna is hurt when she thinks Robbie bought her an offensive Secret Santa present - and gets her own back by publicly blurting out that the market is closing.