secret key

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Related to secret key: secret key cryptography

secret key

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
She went, therefore, to the room which her son Vulcan had made her, and the doors of which he had cunningly fastened by means of a secret key so that no other god could open them.
The time will be resynchronized when a secret key is flashed to the token.
For LWE-based encryption scheme, its decryption has the form [??]< c, s > mod q[??] mod 2 where c encrypt plaintext bit m [member of] {0,1} under the secret key s.
In the figure, there are two types of keys; public keys and a secret key where the former is an encryption key while the latter is a decryption key.
Maitra and Paul found a secret key by using the initial state table.
SSCE uses an arbitrary input secret key, idem, inspires its robustness by its ability to prove an unpredictable internal and external behavior.
Researchers at the New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Design for Excellence lab have recently developed new 'logic-locked' chips, secured by a secret key so that only authorised users may utilise them.
Secured by a secret key so that only authorized users may utilize it and which is immune to reverse-engineering, 'logic-locked' computer chips will provide future users with new guarantees of security for their devices.
Symmetric key encryption uses one secret key to both encode and decode the contents of a message; the sending and receiving parties must use the same key to make sense of the message.
Krishna Kumar et al (2015) proposed Secret key understanding between two or numerous gadgets in a system is typically needy upon an open key framework.