secret code

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Noun1.secret code - a secret method of writingsecret code - a secret method of writing    
code - a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy
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secret code

nGeheimkode m
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References in classic literature ?
If so, it must have been one of those ingenious secret codes which mean one thing while they seem to mean another.
A source told SANA that while canvassing areas in Quenitra countryside, the authorities found weapons, ammo, landmines, surveillance and communication equipment, and medical supplies that terrorists had left behind, some of them Israeli-made including a van that is operated with a secret code.
There seems to be a secret code in a section of government that civil servants and state officers should engage in secret campaigns portrayed as development meetings.
CAIRO - 12 May 2019: Episode six of "Le Akher Nafas" (Till the last breath) started with a call from the gang to Salma (Yasmine Abdel Aziz), asking her to give them Oscar wild's novel that contains the secret code that her husband used to communicate with the drug dealers.
He revealed that to curb incessant building collapse in the country, the council has developed a secret code, ARCON Project Registration Number System (APRN) to ensure that only qualified professionals were certified for any project.
However, expert staff and Frank fans at GCHQ have finally managed to work out Frank's coded IT was a cryptic cipher that baffled his family, friends and fans - and in the end, only Britain's top codebreakers could crack Frank Sidebottom's secret code.
People will be able to try their hand at cracking a secret code using a Caesar Wheel and communicate a message to their friends using Flag Semaphore at the Code Station set up there.
After that the system assigned a unique secret code to each image and that secret code was stored in database as a password for user, instead of images.
A secret code that'll be sent through SMS or direct message in Instagram given by some ambassadors.
Young readers will have fun creating their own secret code words on the back pages and perhaps sharing with new friends.
But now the ECHO can reveal that the 'hidden bar' which could only be accessed via a secret code has been taken over by new owners.