administrative law

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Noun1.administrative law - the body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions created by administrative agencies of governmentadministrative law - the body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions created by administrative agencies of government
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Justice in the Digital State: Assessing the Next Revolution in Administrative Justice
The rejection of the two lists representing the camps of Hammamet (Sofiene Toubel) and Monastir (Hafedh Caid Essebsi) is motivated by the ambiguity of the correspondence of the services responsible for relations with political parties at the Prime Ministry and the Presidency of the Republic on the representatives of both lists, said ISIE member Anis Jarbouii, adding that the representatives of the two lists can appeal to the Administrative Justice.
ExO appealed that negative decision to Mexico's Superior Tribunal of Administrative Justice. In March 2018 a unanimous full bench of the Tribunal confirmed that the initial decision failed to comport with Mexican law, in that it failed to consider the actual circumstances of the project and the extensive environmental mitigation measures ExO had proposed.
Dr Sarah Nason of the School of Law will be examining the current and future role of the Assembly in relation to aspects of the justice system that have been devolved to Wales, in particular the administrative justice system which includes tribunals, the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, and the Welsh Commissioners.
The session aimed to provide legal persons with the necessary information and skills to implement the provisions concerning judicial and administrative justice by defining and distinguishing administrative and judicial control, distinguishing between administrative judicial officials and general judicial officials, as well as identifying the functions of the administrative control officers, the terms of reference of the general judicial control officers, and how to edit legal records and the data.
He said that federal ombudsman was giving free of cost immediate and administrative justice while complaints of people were resolved within 60 days.
He said that the federal ombudsman was giving free of cost immediate and administrative justice while complaints of people were resolved within 60 days.
But underlying this is administrative justice. Any administrative task must be done prudently, fairly and responsibly.
The President of the Supreme Judicial Council also met the President of the Supreme Administrative Court Judge Mahmoud Alababne, where he briefed the President of the Supreme Judicial Council on the nature of the work of the Supreme Administrative Court in the field of administrative justice./ End
A little known, but hugely important, means of ensuring good government is through a system of administrative justice. This is the name given to the law that governs public body decision-making, the methods available to people to resolve disputes with public bodies, and how public bodies learn from disputes to improve their services.
During the meeting, they discussed means of enhancing bilateral cooperation and co-signed a joint memorandum of understanding that aim at strengthening and expanding cooperation in the field of administrative justice. --SPA 19:47 LOCAL TIME 16:47 GMT 0019

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