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v. ad·min·is·tered, ad·min·is·ter·ing, ad·min·is·ters
1. To have charge of; manage.
a. To give or apply in a formal way: administer the last rites.
b. To apply as a remedy: administer a sedative.
c. To direct the taking of (an oath).
3. To mete out; dispense: administer justice.
4. To manage (a trust or estate) under a will or official appointment.
5. To impose, offer, or tender (an oath, for example).
1. To manage as an administrator.
2. To minister: administering to their every whim.

[Middle English administren, from Old French administrer, from Latin administrāre : ad, ad- + ministrāre, to manage (from minister, ministr-, servant; see minister).]

ad·min′is·tra·ble (-ĭ-strə-bəl) adj.
ad·min′is·trant adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ədˈmɪnɪstəd] CPD administered price Nprecio m fijado por el fabricante (y que no puede ser variado por el detallista)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
The poison was alleged to have been wickedly and feloniously given by the prisoner to his wife Sara, on two occasions, in the form of arsenic, administered in tea, medicine, "or other article or articles of food or drink, to the prosecutor unknown." It was further declared that the prisoner's wife had died of the poison thus administered b y her husband, on one or other, or both, of the stated occasions; and that she was thus murdered by her husband.
Recalled to the bedside by the moans of his patient, the Kind- hearted Physician administered a stimulant, a tonic, and a nutrient, and went away.
Nowadays charity is strangely administered. Perhaps it has always been so.
"Does anything in your examination lead you to determine how the poison was administered?"
"Could the strychnine have been administered in Mrs.
A warmly administered prod broke through her stoicism and started her tottering along.
After a mute confession, communion was administered to the dying man, preparations made for the sacrament of unction, and in his house there was the bustle and thrill of suspense usual at such moments.
I believe there has been in England, since the days of the STUARTS, no law so often infamously administered, no law so often openly violated, no law habitually so ill-supervised.
As she still hesitated, being, in fact, in no reasonable state of mind, he took the infant in his arms, and himself administered the draught.
"For myself I must say I cannot guess how many," said the battered knight Don Quixote; "but I take all the blame upon myself, for I had no business to put hand to sword against men who where not dubbed knights like myself, and so I believe that in punishment for having transgressed the laws of chivalry the God of battles has permitted this chastisement to be administered to me; for which reason, brother Sancho, it is well thou shouldst receive a hint on the matter which I am now about to mention to thee, for it is of much importance to the welfare of both of us.
Are not the former administered by MEN as well as the latter?
I soaked some crumbled morsels of biscuit in the wine, and, little by little, I revived her failing strength by nourishment administered at intervals in that cautious form.