administrative lead time

Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to administrative lead time: production lead time

administrative lead time

The interval between initiation of procurement action and letting of contract or placing of order. See also procurement lead time.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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In addition to the automation benefit, an estimated 5,000 users of PRPS will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their support to warfighters by reducing administrative lead time by an estimated 22 days.
This is greatly so because the principal metrics classically established, in order of importance, consist of (1) contract dollars procured, (2) number of contract awards, and (3) procurement administrative lead time (PALl), which is the total time it takes to award a contract--the quicker the better.
On average, the administrative lead times for the items have decreased by 73.83 percent.

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