rear guard

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rear guard

A detachment of troops that protects the rear of a military force.

[Middle English reregarde, from Old French : rere, backward (from Latin retrō; see re- in Indo-European roots) + guarde, guard (from guarder, to defend; see guard).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

rear′ guard′

a part of a military force assigned to guard the rear from attack, esp. in a retreat.
rear′guard`, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

rear guard

1. The rearmost elements of an advancing or a withdrawing force. It has the following functions: to protect the rear of a column from hostile forces; during the withdrawal, to delay the enemy; during the advance, to keep supply routes open.
2. Security detachment that a moving ground force details to the rear to keep it informed and covered. See also guard.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
The forms and ceremonials connected with the meeting of the two jeddaks consumed an hour, and then we turned and retraced our way toward the city of Kaol, which the head of the column reached just before dark, though it must have been nearly morning before the rear guard passed through the gateway.
Then came two-score more archers, ten more men-at-arms, and finally a rear guard of twenty bowmen, with big John towering in the front rank and the veteran Aylward marching by the side, his battered harness and faded surcoat in strange contrast with the snow-white jupons and shining brigandines of his companions.
All that Grimaud gained by this momentary pantomime was to pass from the rear guard to the vanguard.
And then came a handful of brave men--a little rear guard backing slowly toward the west, working their smoking rifles in feverish haste as they fired volley after volley at the foe we could not see.
He now came to his former chief with an order from the commander of the rear guard.
The armed askaris loitered between the balance of the safari and the Arab village, ready to form a rear guard for the retreat that was to begin the moment that the head man brought that which the white masters awaited.
If they hadn't halted, I had no fear of being discovered, for I had seen that the Galus marched without point, flankers or rear guard; and when I reached the pass and saw a narrow, one-man trail leading upward at a stiff angle, I wished that I were chief of the Galus for a few weeks.
Horsan the Dane, with his company, formed the rear guard. Three hundred yards in advance of the column rode ten men to guard against surprise and ambuscades.
Chemelil were reduced to 10 men when whistler Lucas Odhiambo red carded Musa Oundo for dissent.However, efforts by Chemelil to penetrate the defence of their opponents via attackers Gilbert Wangulu, George Mutimba and Lucas Waitere were frequently foiled by a tight rear guard led by Festus Okiring.
Tirad Pass is declared as a National Shrine and the known site of the 1899 "Battle of Tirad Pass" between the 60-man Filipino rear guard commanded by Brigadier General Gregorio del Pilar against more than 500 American soldiers.
And with United's wobbly rear guard seemingly selected at random, the goals lines look set a trifle low.
At the time of the incident, the injured worker had highlighted the fact there was no rear guard to bosses, but no action was taken to address it.