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[ˈriːəˈpɔɪntmənt] Nnuevo nombramiento m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


n (to a job) → Wiedereinstellung f; (to a post) → Wiederernennung f
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References in classic literature ?
At the expiration of his second term he did not seek for reappointment, because he did not care to arouse the opposition of Gladstone--then a power in public affairs--and stir up religious controversy.
Ashiru said that Ahmed's appointment was as a round peg in a round hole, saying her reappointment and elevation as finance minister, budget and national planning would help in sustaining the achievements made by the President Mohammadu Buhari led administration in building a solid economy.
* The appointments of Vamsi Manne and Amy Dion to Carbopndale Tourism to terms expiring April 30, 2021; the reappointments of Jim Ewers and Casey Twomey to terms expiring April 30, 2022; and the reappointment of Carolin Harvey as an ex-officio, non-voting member for a term to expire April 30, 2021.
He also announced the appointment of Larkin state assemblyman Mohd Izhar Ahmad as state party treasurer, Pulai division chief Ya'cob Atan as information chief, Sekijang division chief Uzzair Ismail as media director and the reappointment of Iskandar Puteri Senator division chief Ir Nasir Hashim as State deputy chairman.
Maglunsod's reappointment to the new post came three months after he was fired reportedly for his ties with the Left.
Munya says, however, that the reappointment letter was suspect and might have been forged.
His fellow regents previously recommended his reappointment.
With these reappointments, there are seven independent directors at present on the board of the state-run firm.
The cabinet decision came after health department sent a summary to the government, seeking reappointment of the BoGs members on expiry of their three-year terms.
Central bank rules require banks to have joint auditors, and Barclays South Africa will continue to recommend the reappointment of EY for 2018.
Observers attributed Baek's reappointment to foreign investors holding 53.16 percent of KT and G shares.
A federal law officer submitted a copy of the notification showing reappointment of Mohammad Bashir as judge accountability court, Islamabad.