rear sight

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rear sight

(Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the sight of a gun nearest to the breech
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Front strap and mainspring housing serrations as well as hand serrations to the rear of the slide ejector match the Heinie black rear sight. It also has a 14-karat solid gold bead front sight and giraffe bone grips.
To disassemble the rear sight, first take some measurements with the depth measurement "tail" of a digital caliper or a small machinist's scale to get an idea of the present elevation and windage settings.
The front is mated to a serrated, plain black rear sight with a 0.125-inch notch, and the rear is also hooked so it can be used to work the slide in an emergency.
That's when I noticed the metal blade of the rear sight had been severed clean at the base.
Front strap and mainspring housing serrations as well as hand serrations to the rear of the slide ejector match the Heinie black rear sight. Exotic features include a 14-karat solid gold bead front sight and giraffe bone grips.
Adjusting your sights is a topic that I could write a manifesto on, but, in short, there's a couple of points to remember: One, when adjusting the rear sight, the direction you move the sight is the direction the round will move on the target.
The front and rear sight are tool-less in regard to their elevation and windage adjustment, respectively.
The rear sight problems needed to be corrected because it was unstable.
The part that is broken most often on the MK 19 is the rear sight because gunners forget to adjust and protect it correctly.
I noticed the M-4 rifle the Airman is holding in the picture doesn't have a rear sight. The weapon has the front sight post but no rear sight or any type of optic.
Glow-in-the-dark cross hairs attached to a rear sight ring are used to line up the bright .029-inch protected fiber optic sights.