rearguard action

Also found in: Idioms.

rearguard action

n (Mil) → azione f di retroguardia (fig) → azione f dilatoria
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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The Middlesbrough defender will lead a stubborn rearguard action in the Olympic Stadium - and summon the same spirit that saw his England defence become heroes nine years ago.
Set an unlikely 491 to win, the Proteas have set about a determined rearguard action in a bid to save a draw.
They put up a spirited rearguard action but failed to test the home goalkeeper for the whole 90 minutes.
Lee Dixon swept the ball upfield and Cole profited, but although the goal was hardly undeserved, Bradford's rearguard action merited the point they earned.
Amy starts to feel the draught as soon as she steps from club; The wind gets up and suddenly her flimsy skirt is out of control; Thigh drama as rearguard action fails
CAMBRIDGE'S 10 men fought a courageous rearguard action before going down to the Terriers.
A MAGNIFICENT rearguard action earned Shrewsbury an unexpected point against the promotion chasing Londoners, who boast the best home record in Division Three with just two defeats in 18 games.
Monaghan had Jimmy Fullam sent off for a second booking after just 25 minutes and led a rearguard action for the remainder of the game.
But a brave rearguard action by Connacht earned them kickable points.
NEWCASTLE captain Dean Ryan saluted a superb second-half defensive rearguard action after the Allied Dunbar Premiership leaders hung on for victory.
There was only one real chink in Omagh's splendid rearguard action and came in the final 10 minutes.
A SUPERB rearguard action guided Galway into the play-off final against Drogheda.