

buying and using something with the intention of returning it for a refund
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
References in periodicals archive ?
The second most common tactics is 'deshopping', where a buyer purchases items with the intention of wearing them before returning the goods for a full refund.
Capitalist RayNay DeShopping Cart (D'Cart) blackmails Talithia into turning Uma over in exchange for her brother Castor's life, so she can use Uma for her nefarious plans.
(2003), "Interviews of Deshopping Behaviour: An Analysis of the Theory of Planned Behaviour," International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 31(3): 153-163.
He quotes, among others, "deshopping" - apparently the act of buying something intending to use it only once and then returning it for a refund (although I cannot imagine why you'd need a term for that - who'd do such a thing?)