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(Environmental Science) another name for desertification
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Karakalpakstan has a large experience in the desertization control, as well as in standing of various plants, especially of haloxylon.
According to Matallo Junior (2009) there is great discussion upon the differences between desertification and desertization or formation of deserts.
An increasing number of regions in the world face an evergrowing problem of spreading deserts, called desertization (defined as increasing desert-like conditions in arid and semi-arid lands).
Soil erosion by wind and land desertization in Daxing County, Beijing.
This was an important part of a larger social process that Shafeeq Ghabra calls "desertization," the dilution of urban cosmopolitanism through the importation of tribe members and their values into the mainstream of Kuwaiti life.
Desertization refers to the set of processes that turn an initially nondesert area into a desert.
In this capacity he published, as that organization's first report, "A review of desertization in Africa - Water, Vegetation, and Man" (1974).
Savannahs occur wherever insufficient rain, excessively nutrient-poor soils, rocky outcrops, or other adverse conditions prevent the growth of dense forest but where water is not so scarce as to cause desertization. Woody plants are not excluded from the savannah biome, though.
This process of "desertization," as the Bahraini thinker Muhammad Ansari labels it, is among the most destructive processes in the Middle East.[20] It undermines modern life by bringing into urban society the ultraconservative values of the desert and mixing them with Islamist populism.