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Merited or earned: a richly deserved punishment.

de·serv′ed·ly (-zûr′vĭd-lē) adv.
de·serv′ed·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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For example, how we interpret evidence relevant to department downsizing may be affected by our understanding of, say, interpersonal, situational, or economic contexts, but these contexts may, in turn, hinge on basic premises (e.g., about human nature, deservedness, trustworthiness of others, beliefs about a just world) that are impacted by a biblical worldview.
Darwin is exceedingly aware of differential fates; he marks an ethical disparity between the "details" of a given destiny ("whether good or bad") and its seeming deservedness (whether it befell "a good one or bad one").
People with strong general BJW tend to adopt cognitive strategies, including victim derogation and devaluation, to minimize perceived injustices and reduce their anxiety as bystanders (Lerner & Miller, 1978), and these cognitive strategies may be closely associated with moral disengagement mechanisms, such as victim deservedness and derogation, which allow people to misbehave while avoiding feelings of shame and conflict (Caprara, Fida, Vecchione, Tramontano, & Barbaranelli, 2009).
A way to fix the problem with Arnold's argument occurs in Narveson's (1995) argument for the deservedness of profits.
It is reasonable to read those comments as alluding to Warren's moral reprehensibility and deservedness of the death penalty.<br />Mindful that review in this context is highly deferential, the state court's holding that Warren's prosecutor did not implicate Simmons falls well within the bounds of reasonableness.<br />Affirmed.<br />Warren v.
Andrew von Hirsch, Past or Future Crimes: Deservedness and Dangerousness
Slack and risible as are the attitudes that impel and are engendered by elite consumption, the consequence of that consumption is, as Currid-Halkett baldly asserts, "pernicious." Sophisticated marketing, consumer solipsism, and a sense of meritocratic entitlement combine to instill the consumption preferences and habits of the metropolitan elite with what Currid-Halkett characterizes as "a sense of morality and deservedness." This unlovely and unearned self-regard produces a baleful attitude.
"Deciphering Deservedness: Canadian Employment Insurance Reforms in Historical Perspective." Social Policy & Administration [Epub ahead of print].
This contrast is underscored by a vocabulary of deservedness. Where conflict is egregious, known, and salient (for example, in the case of Syria), refugees are viewed as deserving of Canadian assistance, whereas in other cases where conflict is less well known, or ongoing, asylum-seekers may be seen as taking the spots of legitimate refugees who sought to achieve residency through legal means (Krishnamurti, 2013).
'deservedness'--whether from the point of view of God or from
ANDREW VON HIRSCH, PAST OR FUTURE CRIMES: DESERVEDNESS AND DANGEROUSNESS IN THE SENTENCING OF CRIMINALS 76 (1985) ("Rating crimes is ultimately a matter of making value judgments, on which persons reasonably may differ."); Michael Tonry, Obsolescence and Immanence in Penal Theory and Policy, 105 COLUM.
However, "deservedness" would presumably be similar with ex ante and ex post choices in the task with agency.