

of, relating to, typical of, or suitable for the world of commercial or industrial business: well-heeled, businessy types.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We wanted to create something that's not too big or businessy. Our hotels are for those who want the hotels of old, where everything was crafted to perfection.
'It's really nice to play somebody who's businessy, because as a cook I'm in jeans and Converse.
Other works, such as Quodlibet LVIII (Cathedral Pinboard), which seems swiped from a church's didactic display for visitors, and Quodlibet XLVII, a painted copy of a royalblue bulletin board featuring printed and partially redacted businessy e-mails associated with Atelier E.
'Film has always been a practical, "businessy" medium,' Linklater explains, 'but this idea [Boyhood] required exceptional patience and a suspension of practical and business-orientated thinking.' (8) Extending the production timeframe to twelve years was a risky proposition.
"I think the plan at the moment is that Nathan (Sykes) and Max (George) will do more acting and singing and Siva (Kaneswaran) and Tom (Parker) will do more businessy stuff.'' The Wanted were put together in 2009 by manager Jayne Collins, who also formed The Saturdays, before being taken under the wing of Justin Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun.
Jay and We and "I think the plan at the moment is that Nathan (Sykes) and Max (George) will do more acting and singing and Siva (Kaneswaran) and Tom (Parker) will do more businessy stuff.'' The Wanted were put together in 2009 by manager Jayne Collins, who also formed The Saturdays, before being taken under the wing of Justin Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun.
It's a businessy look with a funky edge, and could easily be worn for work meetings and suchlike.
Theo Paphitis of Dragons' Den is on hand to lend a businessy air to proceedings, although as he's not involved in the decision making, his accounting skills are mostly put to work counting the number of people in the queue.
a simple business suggestion to you important businessy like folk out there DONT LET THEM SLIP THROUGH THE NET.
The Brooklyner seemed "more bland and businessy," she added.
And it was even better because Danzig was the one telling the businessy people, "No, luck you guys, I want to give them a shot and put another band on the tour." That means a lot coming from someone like Glenn, who's been doing it for so long.
Traditional garb has taken on businessy, corporate connotations; "heritage villages" have sprung up across the region, acting as avatars of the demolished cities.