business sector

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Related to business sector: Primary sector
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: sector - business concerns collectively; "Government and business could not agree"
business enterprise, commercial enterprise, business - the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects; "computers are now widely used in business"
sector - a social group that forms part of the society or the economy; "the public sector"
big business - commercial enterprises organized and financed on a scale large enough to influence social and political policies; "big business is growing so powerful it is difficult to regulate it effectively"
incorporate - form a corporation
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The deposits of the public business sector in local currency amounted to about EGP 57.3bn, the private sector amounted to about EGP 364.2bn, and the household sector about EGP 2.162tn, while the rest of the other sectors, including non-residents, amounted to EGP 95bn.
The business sector rose by Dh2.7 billion (11.7 per cent), the government sector by Dh496.3 million (1,887.1 per cent), and the individual sector by 67.8 per cent compared with the same period of 2018, reported Emirates news agency Wam , citing statistics of the exporters' and importers' register -- Q1 2019 released by Statistic Centre -- Abu Dhabi (SCAD).
San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora wants to revitalize San Juan's business sector so that it could reel in more income to cover the city's nearly P1 billion in obligations.
The social business sector in Wales is worth an estimated [pounds sterling]3.18bn to the economy, reveals new research.
THE social business sector in Wales is worth an estimated PS3.18bn to the Welsh economy - a 34% increase on findings in 2016.
The President stressed for joint ventures between the local investors and the foreigners and highlighted the latest trends being introduced in the business sector.
Speaking at the Chamber's recent annual meeting to review its past achievements, LNCCI President Oudet Souvannavong said the Chamber is determined to encourage the business sector to continue to support the steady growth of the economy through its six key roles.
The Davao region showed marked improvement in the business sector for 2018 according to Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.
Dammam, 16 December, 2018, SPA -- The Chamber of Commerce of the Eastern Region represented by the Business Council in Qatif Governorate will organize tomorrow a meeting for the business sector at the branch of the chamber in Qatif governorate.
This doesn't mean cutting the number of civil servants but raising instead the quality of services the state is giving to its citizens and the business sector," said Foreign Investors Council President Peter Stefan.
LET this piece be an updating report, especially to my colleagues in business, on what the business sector is doing to be engaged in the move to amend our Constitution-which portends major consequences to all of us Filipinos.