business relation

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: relation - a relation between different business enterprises
relation - an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
customer, client - someone who pays for goods or services
competition - a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers; "business competition can be fiendish at times"
clientage - relation of a client to a patron
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Clennam cheering him with a hearty co-operation, was a moral support to him, besides doing good service in his business relation. The concern prospered, and the partners were fast friends.
Bulstrode, but also a profitable business relation of the great Plymdale dyeing house with Mr.
Our relations were business relations, but confidential.
And you will see how truly I spoke of myself just now, in saying I had no feelings, and that all the relations I hold with my fellow-creatures are mere business relations, when you reflect that I have never seen you since.
I have not hesitated to furnish the reader with all these retrospective details, known to me through my business relations with Monsieur Robert Darzac.
Your relations with her are far more than business relations, no doubt; but a residue of business remains in them, and business is business ever.
And yet you compromise me by coming here and so showing that there are business relations between us."
Satish Moorjani, group CEO, Mustafa Sultan Enterprises said, 'The business relation is a win-win situation for both the organisations.'
Within each agency, staff in positions whose focus was interaction with businesses (referred to as business relation consultants, employment specialists, job placement specialists, etc.) and rehabilitation counselors responsible for interactions with businesses were asked to complete the survey.
Patel, IACC president-elect; Kevin Parikh, IACC business relation director; Anil Sakhuja, IACC treasurer and chairperson-elect; and Chamber Chairman Richard E.
Hantzis, however, had no business relation to Boston, and the court thought that the doctrine had no application "where the taxpayer has no business connection with his usual place of residency." In effect, the business exigency was still necessary.
He further stress upon the General in Peshawar that despite hurdles between traders of the two countries the ways for the commerce could be expand and both countries can enhance its bilateral business relation.

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