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Related to bounds: leaps and bounds

bound 1

intr.v. bound·ed, bound·ing, bounds
1. To leap forward or upward; jump; spring: The dog bounded over the gate.
2. To move forward by leaps or springs: The deer bounded into the woods.
3. To spring back from a surface; rebound: The basketball bounded off the backboard.
1. A leap; a jump: The deer was away in a single bound.
2. A springing back from a surface after hitting it; a bounce: caught the ball on the bound.

[French bondir, to bounce, from Old French, to resound, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *bombitīre, from Latin bombitāre, to hum, from bombus, a humming sound, from Greek bombos.]

bound 2

1. often bounds A boundary; a limit: Our joy knew no bounds. Your remarks exceed the bounds of reason.
2. bounds The territory on, within, or near limiting lines: the bounds of the kingdom.
v. bound·ed, bound·ing, bounds
1. To set a limit to; confine: a high wall that bounded the prison yard; lives that were bounded by poverty.
2. To constitute the boundary or limit of: a city park that was bounded by busy streets.
3. To identify the boundaries of; demarcate.
To border on another place, state, or country.
in/within bounds Sports
Within the boundary of a playing field or court and therefore in play or legal.
out of bounds
1. Sports Outside the boundary of a playing field or court and therefore not in play or legal.
2. Outside the boundary of where one is allowed to be; in a forbidden or unauthorized place: The research lab is out of bounds for first-year students.
3. In violation of acceptable rules or standards, as of decency: felt the guest's behavior was out of bounds.

[Middle English, from Old French bodne, bonde and Anglo-Norman bunde, both from Medieval Latin bodina, of Celtic origin.]

bound 3

Past tense and past participle of bind.
1. Confined by bonds; tied: bound hostages.
2. Being under legal or moral obligation: bound by my promise.
3. Equipped with a cover or binding: bound volumes.
4. Predetermined; certain: We're bound to be late.
5. Determined; resolved: Many public policy students are bound to be politicians one day.
6. Linguistics Being a form, especially a morpheme, that cannot stand as an independent word, such as a prefix or suffix.
7. Constipated.

bound 4

Headed or intending to head in a specified direction: commuters bound for home; a south-bound train.

[Alteration of Middle English boun, ready, from Old Norse būinn, past participle of būa, to get ready; see bheuə- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pl n
1. (sometimes singular) a limit; boundary (esp in the phrase know no bounds)
2. something that restrains or confines, esp the standards of a society: within the bounds of modesty.
3. beat the bounds See beat26
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bounds - the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of somethingbounds - the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
hairline - the natural margin formed by hair on the head
frontier - an international boundary or the area (often fortified) immediately inside the boundary
heliopause - the boundary marking the edge of the sun's influence; the boundary (roughly 100 AU from the sun) between the interplanetary medium and the interstellar medium; where the solar wind from the sun and the radiation from other stars meet
border, borderline, boundary line, delimitation, mete - a line that indicates a boundary
bourn, bourne - an archaic term for a boundary
district line - the boundary between two districts
county line - the boundary between two counties
city line - the boundary of a city
edge, border - the boundary of a surface
end - a boundary marking the extremities of something; "the end of town"
extremity - the outermost or farthest region or point
demarcation, demarcation line, limit - the boundary of a specific area
lineation, outline - the line that appears to bound an object
surface - the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"
shoreline - a boundary line between land and water
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


plural noun
1. limits, restrictions, confines, limitations the bounds of good taste
2. boundary, line, limit, edge, border, march, margin, pale, confine, frontier, fringe, verge, rim, perimeter, periphery The bounds of the empire continued to expand.
out of bounds forbidden, barred, banned, not allowed, vetoed, prohibited, taboo, closed off, off-limits (chiefly U.S. military), proscribed, verboten (German) Tibet was now virtually out of bounds to foreign journalists.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


[baʊndz] npllimiti mpl
out of bounds → vietato or proibito l'accesso
within the bounds of modesty → nei limiti della decenza
his ambition knows no bounds → la sua ambizione è senza limiti or non conosce limiti
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
There is also another species of acquisition which they [1257a] particularly call pecuniary, and with great propriety; and by this indeed it seems that there are no bounds to riches and wealth.
For a year or two Eliza saw her husband frequently, and there was nothing to interrupt their happiness, except the loss of two infant children, to whom she was passionately attached, and whom she mourned with a grief so intense as to call for gentle remonstrance from her mistress, who sought, with maternal anxiety, to direct her naturally passionate feelings within the bounds of reason and religion.
With difficulty Akut kept them in hand for a time; but when a particularly large wave struck the dugout simultaneously with a little squall of wind their terror broke all bounds, and, leaping to their feet, they all but overturned the boat before Akut and Tarzan together could quiet them.
To this we shall, as well for the sake of ourselves as of others, endeavour to set some certain bounds, and indeed nothing can be more necessary, as critics[*] of different complexions are here apt to run into very different extremes; for while some are, with M.
They had been seen on the Tower Wharf that morning, embarking on board the steamer bound for Rotterdam.
muttered Ahab; then aloud, Thou art a full ship and homeward bound, thou sayest; well, then, call me an empty ship, and outward-bound.
He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog.
Nicholas did not hear his own cry nor feel that he was galloping, nor see the borzois, nor the ground over which he went: he saw only the wolf, who, increasing her speed, bounded on in the same direction along the hollow.
I'll say that he is wise who loveth well, And that the soul most free is that most bound In thraldom to the ancient tyrant Love.
The first statement of each man--ever an ancient one in homeward- bound forecastles--was: "No boarding-house sharks in mine." Next, in parentheses, was regret at having spent so much money in Yokohama.
I came to myself in darkness, in great pain, bound hand and foot, and deafened by many unfamiliar noises.
He lay on his side, the cords that bound his legs so tight as to bite into his tender flesh and shut off the circulation.