boundary rider

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boundary rider

Austral an employee on a sheep or cattle station whose job is to maintain fences in good repair and to prevent stock from straying
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Tattersall, who was dropped on 23 by legside boundary rider Fidel Edwards, scored his 500th first class run when he reached six before scoring his half century in 79 balls.
Smith knows new England coach Trevor Bayliss well from New South Wales and suggested he would have shared reservations over Cook's boundary rider on the off side.
This book explores the Australian theme of heroic horseback figures in nineteenth-century Australian literature and art, including the stockworker, the boundary rider, the bushranger, and sportsperson.
became a boundary rider at Mullah Station in the Trangie district.
Speaking of one this album's stand-out tracks he says, 'I see ' Boundary Rider' fitting with Cattle and Cain and you don't often get an opportunity with your music to see themes emerging.
As a regular boundary rider in the field he can see both sides and was happy to leave the decision to Brown and his television monitor.
Despite the ball jagging off the pitch, precision and pressure went missing too often and Root was forced into stationing boundary riders rather than close catchers more frequently than he would like.
"We've got different types of marshals -- the flag marshals, the track marshals, the recovery, the medical, the fire, the boundary riders, and so on.
And the fielding was abysmal as ever as they not only failed to stop the quick singles, but also the boundary riders looked to be mostly doing the bowlers a favour by standing there.
Gambhir began to steer, cut and drive through the off side frequently, going over fielders heads and placing wide of the boundary riders. Seven of his first nine fours were in this region.