

(Human Geography) a stone marking a boundary, sometimes giving information such as the initials of the local authority in whose jurisdiction the boundary is
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With thee have I broken up whatever my heart revered; all boundary-stones and statues have I o'erthrown; the most dangerous wishes did I pursue,-- verily, beyond every crime did I once go.
The word horos ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]) means 'landmark', 'boundary-stone', 'boundary', 'limit', 'term', 'definition', 'measure', 'rule', 'time', 'gravestone'.
If we take this to apply to all horoi we could assume that any boundary-stone to be recognised as such must be the guiding thread of the sacred; it need not be accompanied by a prohibition as it already stands in order that the sacred remain inviolate, and in this case any boundary could be said to be 'sacred'.
The legitimacy of the boundary-stone is not first and foremost prescribed by law, rather it is written and read as a common understanding.
The boundary-stone here gives definition to the difference between kinship and hospitality by drawing up a secondary relation, that between friend and enemy ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]).
The point is that when it comes to reading the boundary-stone one is not at liberty to choose sides.