bounty bag

bounty bag

a set of free samples, such as nappies and creams, given to mothers leaving hospital with a new baby
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The lucky winners will also receive a special Whiskas bounty bag packed full of goodies for a new-born kitten, including a disposable camera to photograph your new pet.
The Whiskas bounty bag contains a Kodak disposable camera to record those first playful moments, a cat fishing toy, supplies of Whiskas and Catmilk Plus, a double feeding bowl and a Caring For Your Kitten guide.
Each bounty bag is worth pounds 20 and for your chance to win one, you just need to answer this simple question:
The first 20 correct answers for each pet choice drawn from the postbag on July 22 will win a bounty bag.
The idea occurred to me when I found out that mothers of new borns get a gift of a bag on infant toiletries provided by Bounty Bags in Sydney.
Prior to applying for the grant I had been in contact with the local NW Hospital Maternity Section sister-in-charge to obtain permission for the library bags to be given out by the nursing staff along with the Bounty Bags. At the end of the project a letter of thanks was sent to the hospital thanking her, for allowing the project to go ahead, and to the ward staff who actually received, stored and distributed the bags.