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socially inept or unfashionable in a charming or endearing way
[blend of adorable and dork]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This film is one of the most exciting releases in the latter half of 2019, featuring Tom Holland as the adorkable Spider-Man and Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio.
(This season we have a Chris and a Christon.) But we have had just one adorkable grocery store owner who knows how to handle a tomato with care.
5 'adorkable' memories Osman Khalid Butt took away from LSA 2018
It's easy to see how Cat Staggs and Amanda Deibert fell for each other: We ended up nerd-crushing hard on the adorkable couple the minute we sat down to talk about their work as one of the creative teams behind DC's new Wonder Woman series--Wonder Woman '77.
You most likely know Eden Sher from the ABC comedy "The Middle"; the word "adorkable" may have been coined to describe her character, Sue Heck.
Last year, you and your adorkable lab partner spent the whole year flirting over Bunsen burners.
Dru herself is an "adorkable" pin-up girl who's insecure and supportive.
Clarke has a hugely expressive face, but too often she simply cycles back and forth between aggressively adorkable cutesiness and dewy-eyed pathos, as if she's continually modeling for either a Kewpie doll or a marble statue of the pieta.
Used to describe someone who is so socially hopeless it becomes endearing and cute, it's been heavily featured in New Girl and Zooey Deschanel's character Jess is the epitome of 'Adorkable'.