
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.
Related to adoral: Adderall XR


Situated toward or near the mouth.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
They have eight ciliated membranous structures including four oral one undulating and three adoral membranelles.
Tres contornos de cilios estan presentes, dos de ellos en espiral en la zona adoral y el otro en el borde apical; estos ultimos son utilizados para la locomocion, permitiendole al protozoo una activa motilidad.
Shape of the adoral primary tubercles of interambulacra 2 and 3.
Subcapitular setae m 14 (15), n 12 (13), adoral setae or1 11 (11), or2 14 (13); distances: mm 21 (22), nn 22 (21), mn 12 (11), or1or1 13 (12), or2or2 16 (17), or1or2 3 (2-3) (Fig.
Thus far, no study has looked at the effects of acidified conditions on the youngest test plates (on the adoral side of the test) which could be more prone to etching, although it is not known if ACC is involved in the formation of these plates.
Each ambulacrum and interambulacrum has an "adapical" end (at the apical system) and an "adoral" end (at the peristome).