adoptive parent

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Noun1.adoptive parent - a person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own childadoptive parent - a person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child
parent - a father or mother; one who begets or one who gives birth to or nurtures and raises a child; a relative who plays the role of guardian
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In "Becoming a Mother: Reflections on Adoptive Parenthood", Mari Gallagher draws on a combination of seminal and modern texts and personal memoir to present a unique view of what it means to be an adoptive parent in Ireland today.
This town hall-style event features a panel of experts, as well as agencies offering foster care licenses, which is the first step to becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The event will also feature time for questions and answers.
This shall include a custody agreement between the employee and the adoption society and an exit certificate - written authority given by an adoption society to a prospective adoptive parent to take a child from the custody of the adoptive society.
Researchers also looked at responses of children who reported a secure relationship with their adoptive parent; their 'amygdala' responses predicted a higher decline in anxiety symptoms three years later.
If the biological parent is not the spouse of the adoptive parent, all legal ties between the child and the birth parents will be severed.
Under the title 'Eligibility criteria for prospective adoptive parents' it says: "Any prospective adoptive parent, irrespective of his marital status and whether or not he has his own biological son or daughter, can adopt a child; single female is eligible to adopt a child of any gender; single male person shall not be eligible to adopt a girl child." Soon the Missionaries of Charity, one of the agencies running extremely successful adoption programmes, placing thousands of orphans in the safe hands of adoptive parents, decided to discontinue its programme.
South Tyneside Council is holding an information session on May 13 at the adoption service's base at 16 Barrington Street in South Shields, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, where staff will be on hand to chat to people interested in finding out more about becoming an adoptive parent.
"The council's reputation for delivering professional, effective services in this field means that anyone looking to become an adoptive parent can feel safe in the knowledge that they will be working with one of the best teams in the country."
Eligibility requirements to become an intercountry adoptive parent vary between Australian States and Territories as well as between countries of origin, and applicants are required to meet both the relevant sets of selection criteria.
"Being an adoptive parent is hard work and challenging at times.
Statistically, the adoptive mother Sarah Brink could be me--a middle-aged, affluent, white adoptive parent of a child of color--but she's a kooky, sauvignon-blanc swilling, Lorrie Moore parody, constantly in self-examination mode yet thoroughly opaque.