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A borough of southeast England on the English Channel south-southwest of London. It is a seaside resort.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a resort in S England, in West Sussex on the English Channel. Pop: 96 964 (2001)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With the utmost regard for the family, for instance (for I dine with them twice or thrice in the season), I cannot but own that the appearance of the Jenkinses in the park, in the large barouche with the grenadier-footmen, will surprise and mystify me to my dying day: for though I know the equipage is only jobbed, and all the Jenkins people are on board wages, yet those three men and the carriage must represent an expense of six hundred a year at the very least--and then there are the splendid dinners, the two boys at Eton, the prize governess and masters for the girls, the trip abroad, or to Eastbourne or Worthing, in the autumn, the annual ball with a supper from Gunter's (who, by the way, supplies most of the first-rate dinners which J.
Adur and Worthing Councils -- A task force has been created to help control a deadly disease which could wipe out all Ash trees in Adur and Worthing.
Two people were taken to hospital yesterday following a "hazardous material incident" on Worthing seafront.
In the latest incident, on Friday, a woman was filmed urinating in Worthing, West Sussex.
cannot afford to bask in the glory of last week's excellent 18-0 success over Worthing Raiders as they prepare to make the long-distance trip to Cornish club Redruth in National Two South tomorrow.
BEES 18 WORTHING RAIDERS 0 BATTLING Bees threw themselves a National Two South relegation lifeline with a dogged defensive display which withstood everything that Worthing could throw at them.
Worthing 51 B'ham & Solihull 37 BEES will be wondering how they managed to come away from the south coast with just a solitary point at the end of this tremendous try-fest.
Matthew Johnson, 26, of Worthing, England, received a 14-year sentence for using ammonia to burn the then-30-year-old woman in August 2016.
The tennis ace told a TV audience he had been called "as dull as a week in Worthing".
"A friend sent me a message the other day with an article from a newspaper which said that 'Andy Murray is duller than a weekend in Worthing', which I thought was a bit harsh - to Worthing" - Andy Murray "The Fall Of Jose would have quite a cast and is quite a story.
ANDY Murray has been invited to add to his illustrious list of sporting achievements by targeting the PS10,000 jackpot in the Worthing Birdman competition next summer.