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Related to wotcher: Tonks


(ˈwɒtʃə) or


sentence substitute
a British slang term of greeting (esp in the phrase wotcher cock!)
[C19: Cockney for what cheer?]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Excuse me, madam." "Wotcher, mate." "Oh,sorry, sir.
Begging their pardon, he asked, 'What stairs are these?' 'The Privy Stairs, o'course, wotcher think?
I am old enough to remember when the North East Medium Wave Transmitter at Stagshaw had to share a wavelength with Northern Ireland, we had to suffer a programme The McCooheys, but at least they had to suffer Wotcher Geordie.
ON THE RUN Jason Ritter as Sean Walker GRIEVING MUM Sian Phillips CURTAINS Dexter's in danger WOTCHER Stacey flirts with Ryan
It was the era of the Saint and Greavesie on the box every Saturday lunchtime with the Cockney half of football's Morecambe and Wise using Alan Rough, Stewart Kennedy, Peter McCloy and Jim Stewart as the butt of his "wotcher" humour.
Lady Penelope of Pens by had thus deemed it the perfect place for the Daily Post's Puffing Billy Arts Editor Phil "Wotcher cock"
To see the complete collection visit www.gren-art.co.uk.: His favourite cartoon:And here is Gren's favourite Mount Rushmore cartoon depicting Welsh rugby legends Phil Bennett, Terry Cobner, Gerald Davies and Gareth Edwards.It bears the caption: "ere Sheridan - wotcher done with yer dad's chisel?'
COMEDIAN Leon Cortez's catchphrase was "Wotcher cock!" and he specialised in doing Cockney versions of Shakespeare.
Wotcher, Nat, rose in his throat and he swallowed it.
"It's great to be able to go up to builders and white van drivers and say 'Wotcher darlin', show's yer bum!' then watch their faces.
She may not begin her speech with 'Wotcher darlin" but she is definitely sounding less hoity-toity, according to a study published in the Journal of Phonetics.