
Also found in: Idioms.


[ˈwɒtʃə] wotcher [ˈwɒtʃəʳ] EXCL (Brit) → ¡hola!
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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"Wotcha," she muttered as fans cheered at the sight of the marvellous Ruth Wilson.
Wotcha. Hayley Slater, the most annoying soap character of all time is seen driving a cab after her waters break and then giving birth in a filthy squat.
Pegg headed his Wotcha column, "the page that is not something to be shuffled off onto some stray boffin".
An old bloke sits down beside me, We exchange a 'wotcha' and 'areet.' .' I see the Stanley of today, Remember times gone by.
City-born Paddy, who opened the place with Dave Scott all the way back in 1970 with the pair later joined by Paddy's brother Tim, had on this occasion helped in preparing the leaving do for another Liverpudlian institution, albeit honorary, former Post Arts Editor Mr Phil 'wotcha cock' Key.
Describing Dave Bampton as an "in-form goalscorer" had seemed as likely as Fabio Capello opening a press conference with a "wotcha, mate" greeting.
Odds 5/4 With a heart as big as her jaw, her taunting of musclebrain Jason - 'Wotcha gonnado JAAAY- SON?
WOTCHA! EastEnders plotlines got well dodge last year but the return of quickwitted Tiffany Butcher is breathing new life into the soap.
'At least Boris said hello to me.' Well, what he actually said was: 'Wotcha, Sphinx.' Smartar*se.
Such a notion took hold this week when the Pub Column thought of catching up with Phil "wotcha cock" Key, honorary Scouser and former Arts Editor of this parish.
The sound of the Beatles is gradually fading; From this WOTCHA: Patsy Palmer and the cast of EastEnders are partly to blame, innit?
Entitled Darwin Jones and his Bloodhounds, Reeve's pounds 5,000 humorous painting features a horse's head, Winston Churchill and the words Wotcha Cock.