worst-case scenario

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worst-case scenario

nSchlimmstfall m
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But Michael Gove, the minister in charge of coordinating "no-deal" preparations, challenged that interpretation, saying the documents did set out a worst-case scenario and that planning had been accelerated in the last three weeks.
The Government is to focus its energy and resources on planning for a worst-case scenario, the Tanaiste and Foreign Minister said.
WORST-CASE SCENARIO: Two more defeats and a slide back into the bottom three.
The DA estimates that production loss could be at P7.291 billion in the four regions in a worst-case scenario.
For diminutive rectosigmoid adenomas, the negative predictive value of CAD with stained mode was 96.4 percent in the best-case scenario and 93.7 percent in the worst-case scenario. With narrow-band imaging the best-case scenario was 96.5 percent and the worst-case scenario was 95.2 percent.
And he also admitted that, in the worst-case scenario, the council could be forced to replace the remaining 56,000 bins in the borough.
If that worst-case scenario emerges as the most likely prospect, then surely - just as with that uninsurable American holiday - the time will have come to pull the plug and to scrap the whole crazy idea before it is too late.
Summary: Moscow [Russia], Nov.29 (ANI): Lambasting North Korea's latest missile test, Russia has dubbed it as a Pyongyang's 'provocative step' and appealed 'for calm to prevent the worst-case scenario on the Korean Peninsula.'
The government has drawn up plans for the worst-case scenario but didn't make them public due to the possible controversy they may cause.
Summary: Tensions with Russia could cost Turkey's economy $9 billion in the worst-case scenario of "zero relations," the Turkish deputy prime minister said Monday.
Terrorist attacks are part of the worst-case scenario but we have no information leading to these kinds of scenarios at the moment, so that's a good outcome, Padilla said.