miracle fruit

(redirected from Wonder fruit)

miracle fruit

informal the small, red, edible berry of the plant Synsepalum dulcificum, which contains a protein that makes bitter things taste sweet
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This way your kids also develop taste for this wonder fruit. It won't be wrong to state that dates made life possible in the nomadic areas of Middle East and North Africa.
Tracker Chocolate Chip, 6 Pack, PS2, Asda DRAGON FRUIT QUENCH that thirst with an infusion of watermelon and dragon fruit, which is gaining popularity as a new wonder fruit with nutritional benefits.
It's made from organic ingredients, including extracts from a wonder fruit, Garcinia Cambogia, found in the Congo rainforest in Africa.
London, June 24 (ANI): It's often called the wonder fruit. Now, a new research has revealed that eating strawberries could help stave off ageing and even prevent cancer.
To grow your own supply of this latest wonder fruit, visit www.findmeplants.co.uk or ask at your local garden centre.
ATHE fruit is actually native to southern China and has had a number of names over the years, including the Macaque peach, the vine pear and wonder fruit. The most popular name was the Chinese gooseberry but, during the Cold War, anything associated with China was frowned upon by advertisers in the western world and in 1959 the name kiwi fruit was created as it was first commercially farmed in New Zealand.
-POMEGRANATES (right) are the new wonder fruit in the fight against wrinkles.
Pomegranate is the new wonder fruit. It's an antioxidant, which can help sun-damaged skin and help prevent cancer.
WONDER FRUIT:Above, the new apple Scrumptious.Right, an elegant patio torch STYLE FOR SPRING: Samson's Chartwell bower
Summers are in their full swing and this is the time to write, eat and savour the wonder fruit of the season.
The Government too has woken up to the wonder fruit, which is estimated to possess the highest content of limonene, a compound which has anti-cancer properties.